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Life Is So Good by George Dawson and Richard Glaubman Great Afternoon Ms. McCafferty, I made this arrangement since I energetically accep...
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Life, Death and Cause Efffect Essay Samples
Life, Death and Cause Efffect Essay Samples Then you should state your arguments and supply examples. Such analysis helps not just to define why something has occurred, but also to understand the character of phenomena and the way to behave in a specific case. Do a little research should you not know anything about the topic assigned. There two means by which you can go about, and both are equally efficient. Since you may see, defining some causes and effects offers you numerous possible essay topics. It's possible to organize the info in the principal body differently, based on your aim. There is quite an effective website at which you will discover all the essential information on the best way to compose a cause and effect essay. Who Else Wants to Learn About Cause Efffect Essay Samples? In addition, the paragraph's major content ought to be a very clear analysis and description of the connection between effect and cause. It is essential for the author to connect the component of causes to the next portion of effects. So, once you will be writing, learn whether you're stating the real causes and effects. In a brief essay, it may be challenging to tackle the reason and all the many effects of a huge event like the Great Depression. In everyday life you've already employed the fundamentals of analysis of causes or effects. The structure appears different. The analysis is centered on both the causes and the impacts of the event. The analysis is centered on causes that result in the function. The previous cause explaining why the nation could be facing hunger is the dearth of products in the markets. Oftentimes, the cause and effect essay will center on a subject you've taken for granted, which means that you haven't spent plenty of time contemplating the details related to it. The start, known as the introduction, is what gives your reader a concept of just what you are likely to be speaking about. Still it seems quite simple to resolve, so you're going to unquestionably be a success. The Lost Secret of Cause Efffect Essay Samples Reading cause and effect essay examples will allow you to make your own writing. A customized cause and effect essay is a frequent essay type relative to the simple fact it t ends to stick to a particular format. Make a list of potential topics that you wish to describe in your cause and effect essay. A cause-effect essay is a part of writing that supplies an objective analysis of the way in which a specific event contributes to a particular result (usually another function that is the effect). Topic selection is critical to write the most suitable essay. Therefore, to make certain you don't mess up in your writing, as soon as you are supplied a topic, read it keenly and establish the subject. Since you may see the actual writing isn't as frightening as it might appear. It is important to keep in mind that the author should not simply describe the matter but illustrate it. As a way to provoke interest with the readers, it is crucial to locate a topic that could trigger the reader together with the author. Furthermore, the author of the paper may make a protracted description of the principal issue and briefly state the arguments. The ending of your introduction paragraph ought to be a thesis statement. The most essential part of the introduction is the thesis statement. The vital point to a thriving essay is having the suitable structure. For you to produce a very good structure for your essay you need to identify the major subject for discussion. A Secret Weapon for Cause Efffect Essay Samples Whenever most introductory paragraphs have more or less the identical general structure, there are specific regions of interest that differ including the content put in the bones. Cause and effect is among the most frequent kinds of essays. The cause and effect essay outline will serve you as a guide for the remainder of the paper. What's more, it's critical to be familiarized with the structure and goals of the work to compose a cause and effect essay.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Theodore Roosevelt s Influence On Latin America - 1290 Words
Theodore Roosevelt was a President known for a very dynamic and progressive administration, and his foreign policy in Latin America was no exception. His policies in Latin America were beneficial for the rapidly growing United States, but left an impact on Latin America that was both positive and negative. President Roosevelt took past policies of the United States, such as the unenforced Monroe Doctrine of 1823, and amended them to have the backing of the Navy in the early 1900s. One particular amendment was called the Platt Amendment of 1901, and opened the door to United States expansionism under President Roosevelt. It was under this amendment that Cuba quickly became the foundation for the new Latin American policies of the United States. The Roosevelt Corollary was another important part of Roosevelt s Latin American foreign policy. Roosevelt believed that Latin America was quite vulnerable to European expansionism, and added his Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine which sta ted that should the Europeans attack, and should any Latin American nation engage in â€Å"chronic wrongdoing†such as outstanding debt, then the United States would intervene on their behalf. In essence, Europe would remain where it was, while the United States controlled the entire Western Hemisphere. The opportunity came for Roosevelt to implement this policy during the invasion of the Dominican Republic by European debt collectors, and Venezuelan Crisis. Lastly, Theodore Roosevelt had aShow MoreRelatedTheodore Roosevelt And William Howard Taft1501 Words  | 7 PagesWhen thinking about the numerous, dynamic leaders that America has had over the course of the nation’s history, it can become troublesome to fairly compare these respective heads of state. Though each American president has unquestionably left their own unique legacy from their time in office, when comparing leaders from similar times, certain consistencies can present themselves. While the Presi dency is of course beholden to constructs of political normativity subjective to the era they presidedRead MorePresident Theodore Roosevelt s Military Power1468 Words  | 6 Pages Although some believe that president Theodore Roosevelt abused his executive power, he did not. He was a very successful president who used his powers as president expertly during his presidency. Roosevelt used his diplomatic power wisely in the Dominican Republic and when he mediated the Russo-Japanese war. He used his legislative power effectively to influence reform policies. Roosevelt used his military power strongly to suppress Columbia and free Panama while asserting America’s militaryRead MoreSpeak Softly and Carry a Big Stick†. Theodore Roosevelt was a man of legacy, he truly redefined1700 Words  | 7 PagesSpeak Softly and Carry a Big Stick†. Theodore Roosevelt was a man of legacy, he truly redefined the American Nation. Teddy Roosevelt was forty-three years old when he took the office of Presidency, making him the youngest president in U.S. History. To many, he was the first modern day president. Roosevelt truly expanded the power of the preside ncy dramatically with his Square Deal, and Foreign Policy. Theodore Roosevelt Jr. was born on October 27, 1858 in New York City to an affluent family. DueRead MoreThe Monroe Doctrine And The United States Of America880 Words  | 4 PagesSince the early 1800’s the history of the world has been greatly influenced by the young nation of the United States of America. One of the earliest forms of this influence came on Dec. 2, 1823 in President James Monroe’s annual message to congress. In his address, he outlined his beliefs on keeping European powers out of Latin America for the good of the US. This section of his speech became known as The Monroe Doctrine. About 80 years later, President Theodore Roosevelt built on top of the ideasRead MoreThe Policies Of The United States During The Period912 Words  | 4 Pagespolicies of the United States during the period 1898-1936 regarding latin america can be broadly covered in phases; the first phase: Big Stick Diplomacy 1898- 1909, the second phase known as Dollar Diplomacy f rom 1909- 1913, the third phase called missionary diplomacy from 1913- 1921 and finally the fourth phase known and the good neighbor policy 1933- 1936. These four policies had a great impact on not only the landscape of latin america but on the future of the United States in the region. StartingRead MoreHistory Of The Monroe Doctrine Of 1823 Essay1076 Words  | 5 PagesI will explain how this document helped the Mexican President Juarez in successfully revolting against the Emperor Maximillian of the French. I will also cover how the British affected the document and also how President Roosevelt wanted to extend the Doctrine with his â€Å"Roosevelt Corollary.†This document all began with the 5th president of the United States, James Madison. He tried to come up with some ideas to prevent Spain from repossessing the Western Hemisphere. So he went to former presidentsRead MoreThe United States And Foreign Policies870 Words  | 4 Pagespolicy rather than domestic. Wilson s predecessors, including McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, and Taft, had viewed the United States as an emerging power that needed to extend its influence throughout the world in order to serve national interests. This imperialist policy was justified by the commonly held belief that it was America s duty as a Christian republic to spread democracy throughout the world. These three Presidents significantly expanded America s influence abroad with the annexation of coloniesRead More US-Latin America Essay1400 Words  | 6 Pagesconceded to the United States their right of any intervention in the Western Hemisphere and allowed the United States to do whatever they wanted. The United States took this newly bestowed power and abused it. The United States intervened in many Latin American countries and imposed their policies on to these countries against their will. A perfect example of this aggression is what occurred in the Dominican Republic in 1904. The United States intervened in this sovereign nation and took controlRead MoreAmerica s New Sense Of World Power758 Words  | 4 PagesAfter the years of the American Civil War, America embarked on a manifest destiny, 2.0. America decided they wanted to expand their territory across the waters. There were many approaches that were suggested by previous presidents, all with the same goal: World Dominance. The Big Stick idea was brought to light from President Theodore Roosevelt. The plan reflected many of the same impulses that were motivating domestic reforms that were taking place in America. He wanted to expand that reform to CubaRead MoreThe War Of 1905 And The United States863 Words  | 4 Pagesmight not be repaid. Theodore Roosevelt divided the world into civilized and uncivilized nations. Roosevelt became extremely active in international diplomacy, more so than his predecessors. For example, he helped to negotiate a settlement of the Russo-Japanese War of 1905, for this he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Roosevelt declared that the Untied States did not have the slightest desire to expand territory, however, he engaged an intervention in Central America. His first major action
Monday, December 9, 2019
Absorbent Mind Theory free essay sample
This paper will explore Dr. Maria Montessori’s Absorbent Mind Theory, the implementation of The Absorbent Mind Theory in Montessori practices; The Absorbent Mind Theory’s relation to Wallace J. Kahn’s ABC Model and to my own personal philosophy statement, in regards to the education of young children. The Absorbent Mind Theory states that the minds of young children, ages birth to six-years-old, are comparable to sponges, in that they ‘soak up’ information and knowledge. (Morris, 2002) However, the absorbent mind has two different phases, the first of which takes place from birth to age three. This stage of the absorbent mind is acquiring his or her basic abilities, for example; speaking, walking, and potty training. This stage of the absorbent mind is referred to as ‘the period of unconscious creation’ or the ‘unconscious absorbent mind. ’ (Shortridge, 2001) This portion of The Absorbent Mind Theory is particularly apparent when comparing an adult trying to learn a second language to a toddler learning his or her first language. A child acquires their first language without direction or conscious effort, generally beginning to form syllables by six-months, first words by one-year of age and sentences by age three. According to Montessori (1967), once the first stage of the absorbent mind was successfully implemented, the second stage; referred to as the ‘period of conscious work’ or the ‘conscious absorbent mind’ began. This is the age when the child begins to act on the things his or her mind has absorbed. (Hendron, 2011) The main task during this stage is freedom and independence. The child wants independence, often children in this second stage will say, â€Å"LET ME DO IT! †Many key points of Montessori’s Absorbent Mind Theory are being confirmed through brain research being conducted today. (Morris, 2002) Although Montessori’s Absorbent Mind Theory is of her own findings, including several years of observing children with exceptionalities, she was originally influenced by the works of several theorists, including Jean Marc Gaspard Itard, Edouard Seguin, Friedrich Frobel, and Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi. (Kramer, 1988) (Montessori, 1967) These theorists particularly influenced Montessori’s views on the importance of sensory exploration. Montessori Schools implement six principles, Independence, Observation, Following the Child, Correcting the Child, Prepared Environment and Absorbent Mind. These are the goals and beliefs that Dr. Montessori thought were the key elements to successfully educating children. (Kramer, 1988) The first principle is independence, which Montessori schools provide by allowing children the opportunities to perform tasks such as dressing, feeding, assisting in cleaning and so on. It is generally known that when children are able to do things for themselves they have higher self-confidence and esteem, which are essential for life. The second principle, observation, is essential in early childhood education. Observation provides teachers with clues that tell them what the child needs are. The third principle, Following the Child, basically means to let the children lead. If a child wants to climb, the teacher may provide a safe structure to climb on. This ties in directly with observation. The fourth principle, correcting the child, refers to appropriate methods to correct children’s mistakes. For example, if a child mispronounces a word, repeat the word correctly, without telling them that they mispronounced it. Montessori believed that correcting children in a negative manner may result in them being fearful of trying because they may make a mistake. Prepared environment basically means that the environment be accessible for children, since they are directing their own learning. Finally, absorbent mind is implemented into the Montessori Method of teaching. This explains why teachers are encouraged to use model behavior when working with young children. Children’s young minds are absorbing everything, and this includes behaviors modelled by adults and other children. As I am an early childhood education student, I am often exploring different methods and techniques to foster children’s learning and development. Maria Montessori believed that children have the innate desire to learn about the world around them. (Kramer, 1988) After several years of observing children and their journey to fulfill that innate desire, Montessori concluded that children learn best through experience. (Lillard and Else-Quest, 2006) As part of my own (future) personal teaching philosophy, I am an advocate for learning through experiences, rather than through book work or teacher dictation. In line with Montessori methods of teaching, I am also an advocate for treating and teaching children as individuals who have different interests, learning styles, and personalities; rather than assuming that all children enjoy the same activities and have the same interests. Montessori’s Absorbent Mind Theory and Kahn’s ABC Model are related in many ways. The most notable being that Kahn’s processes of assimilation and accommodation relate to ‘the period of unconscious creation’ or the ‘unconscious absorbent mind. ’ As I previously stated, a child that is in ‘the period of unconscious creation’ or the ‘unconscious absorbent mind’ only knows the world through the senses. Children in this stage are assimilating the things they absorb into their schemata. As Kahn (1999) states in Chapter 8, cognitive development and learning require continuous assimilation, and period accommodation. Montessori’s Absorbent Mind Theory states that children in the first stage are absorbing the information, which they will sort out in the second stage. This relates to the assimilation and periodic accommodation of information later on, because when children are between the ages of birth and three years old they do not have to cognitive ability to make periodic accommodations. Once a child reaches the second stage, referred to as the ‘period of conscious work’ or the ‘conscious absorbent mind’, they are expanding their exploration of the world and building on the schemata they have already begun to construct during the first stage. Kahn refers to this process as accommodation. In conclusion, although Maria Montessori’s Absorbent Mind Theory was high criticized during it’s time; today it is being implemented all over the world in Montessori Schools. Neuroscientists are now able to see how the brain develops, which has led to emphasis being placed on experiences in early childhood, the importance of children’s environments and their sensory experiences. (Morris, 2002) We should be feeding our children’s absorbent minds with positive, enriching experiences and opportunities.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Image of Harold Turgis in Angel Pavement Essay Example
The Image of Harold Turgis in Angel Pavement Paper The Image of Harold Turgis Harold Turgis is one of the main characters of the novel Angel Pavement by J. B. Priestley. Harold worked for Twiggs and Dersingham, which dealt with a sale of veneers(Ã'„à °Ã ½Ã µÃ'ۈ °) and inlays. His position is described in the novel as Stanleys senior or Mr. Smeeths junior clerk, which can be explained that he is not a bad worker, but not good enough either, he is somewhere in-between. And this fact doesnt let the reader feel drawn to him from the very beginning of the story. As far as his appearance is concerned, again no one could say that he was handsome but he was not ugly either. He was in his early twenties, a thinnish, awkward young man, with a rather long neck, poor shoulders, and large clumsy hands and feet. He was obviously neither sick nor starved, yet something about his appearance, a total lack of colour and bloom His features were not good nor yet too bad. He had brown eyes that might have been called pretty if they had been set in a girls face, a fairly large nose that should have been masterful but somehow was not; a small still babyish mouth, usually open, and prevailing several big and irregular teeth; and a dropping rather than retreating chin. All this made Harold Turgis rather unprepossessing to other people as well as to the reader. Mr. Smeeth portrayed Turgis as quite a good worker, but a little bit careless: He does his best. We will write a custom essay sample on The Image of Harold Turgis in Angel Pavement specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Image of Harold Turgis in Angel Pavement specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Image of Harold Turgis in Angel Pavement specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Hes a bit careless sometimes, Ill admit, and hes not to be trusted far with figures yet. Harold was not lazy, he did everything what he was supposed to do, but at the same time he lacked enthusiasm for office work, moreover he never regarded himself as one of the firm. Even when the company was busy again and everything was very well for it, Turgis didnt share everybodys joy, for him it meant only a great deal more work: Turgis didnt see the fun of going hard at it all day and every day and frequently having to stay an hour later. In his everyday life Turgis was just one of London crowd, where he spent a deal of his time. He knew better than anybody else severity of crowd and the city itself, when he was jolting in overcrowded buses hasting to work or back home to his poor lodgings, when it was pouring and an icy wind chilled to the marrow, and his cheap and shabby clothes couldnt protect him from foul weatherâ€â€Turgis rented a tiny bed-sitting room at the top of Mr. Pelumptons house. He proved to be a good quiet lodger, sober, and punctual in his payments. On Saturdays and Sundays Harold`s landlady provided him with breakfast and dinner, on the other days of the week he had only breakfast in the house and had to shift for himself for his other meals, what means that half of the week he was half starved. Turgis went on well with the Pelumptons and spent not one evening talking to Mr. Pelumpton, though He really thought Mr. Pelumpton a ridiculous old bore, which testifies to the fact that he rather subdued to other people than expressed his own opinion, he found it easier and safer. He was a youth who liked to agree with his company, not because he felt kindly disposed towards other people, but simply because it was less trouble to agree and applaud. Harold was not really sociable and companionable, he didnt have friends and wasnt longing for finding some; he didnt want company for companys sake. But he dreamt of finding a good, beautiful girl who would love and support him and who would share with him his lonely existence. Turgis consi dered himself to be a very romantic person and by temperament an inborn lover. His thoughts never left the other sex long; happiness had for him a feminine shape; the real world was illuminated by the bright glances of girls He realized that he had nothing to offer a girl, but his heart, soul and love, as he was far from being beautiful, clever, successful or rich, but still he didnt lose his hope. He knew that he had little to offer on the surface, was nothing to look at, nobody in particular, but he felt that inside he was different, he was wonderful, and that sooner or later a girl, a beautiful and passionate girl, caring nothing for the outside show, would recognize this difference. Then life would really begin. But still he was languishing in poverty, visiting on Sundays pictures and teashops, hoping to meet there a wonderful girl, his partner for the whole life, and trying to amuse himself by reading advertisements, the victim of which he was, since nearly every his shilling was conjured out of his pocket by the richest and most artful advertising managers . Perhaps that is why his suits bagged so soon, his shoes soaked up the rain, his cigarettes shredded and split, and his amusements failed to amuse, which proves that he didnt possess a critical mind, couldnt analyze his mistakes and make conclusions. However miracles always happen to people who believe in them. Once Lena Golspie came to the office to see her dad and Turgis saw her: There, like a being from another world, stood a girl all in green, a girl with large brown eyes, the most impudent little nose, and a smiling scarlet mouth, the prettiest girl he had ever seen. Since that very moment she became his dream, his inspiration and goal. If earlier he had just a vague image of a desired girl in his mind, now this image accepted the shape of Lena Golspie. Harold hadnt seen or spoken to her since that time, but he thought and dreamed about her a great deal. He didnt know her but was sure that he already loved her and that made him at least change his appearance: he shaved every day, bought some new collars and brushed his clothes. And evenings he spent strolling along Maida Vale, where Ms. Golspie lived, in hope to see her. One day he received that chance to see Lena, as he was asked to take some money to her. He was so happy; he couldnt wait till the end of the working day. When he delivered Lena the money, she invited him to have some tea, then they went to the movies, drank cocktails and danced after returning home. The next day they met again; Turgis couldnt believe his happiness. He was too naive to understand that Lena spent time with him just because she had nothing else to do, her friends left the city, besides she was not a kind of person who would stay in, she adore entertainment most of all, so she used Turgis like a toy. Even the last night when they were to meet and she didnt come, he tried to justify her: He thought of a hundred excuses for her. She might have been taken ill quite suddenly something might have happened at the house. After that accident Turgiss life was like a bad dream: his real life had been this pursuit of Lena, he could not forget her for a single minute. At first, he had realized, with wonder and humility, that it was all miraculous, that he was nobody in particular, with nothing very much to offer. But she herself had changed that She had kissed him into being somebody, and now he had a great deal to offer his love, his life. He tried to put her out of his mind, but failed, everything reminded him of her. Now he lived as he never lived before: he spent sleepless nights, thinking about her, he hardly ate anything, he didnt look after himself. That first phase of unusual smartness, brushed hair, clean collars, creased trousers, had passed; he could not bother with that any more Every night he went to Maida Vale hoping to see her and talk to her. His mind, however, lived as he never lived before, knowing exquisite agonies, finding pleasure and pain inextricably confused in these hours of waiting and shadowing. He was emotionally and physically exhausted, he couldnt stand it any longer, that is why he decided to go to Ms. Golspie and have it out with her once and forever. The reception was not friendly: Lena was beside herself with rage, she told Turgis that once she felt sorry for him and spent some time with him as she had nothing else to do, she pointed out that he was nobody and nothing on earth; at that moment she hated him so much. He looked at her and there came, like a flash of lightening, the conviction that she was hateful, and something broke, and a great blinding tide of anger swept over him. Her scream was cut short, for his hands were round her soft white throat, pressing and pressing it as he shook her savagely. Turgis was sure that he killed her. When he left her room, he didnt know where to go, he went nowhere, he just wanted to leave her room. Harold aimlessly strolled around the city until he reached the office, where he found Mr. Golspie and Ms. Matfield. He told them everything; they went together to Mr. Golspies apartment and found out that Lena was alive. So what did Turgis obtain? He failed to marry Lena Golspie, failed to kill her, he was too poor even to commit suicide, and finally he lost his job. But the author gave Harold Turgis one more chance: he sent him Poppy Sellers, who loved him and was ready to share with him his life, who could support and take care of him, who could understand him, having the same social background, the same ideals about life she was the eager, excited, imploring female, and he was the large, knowing, tolerant, protective male. Already they may have felt that they were going further together now than the way to the remotest picture theatre could take them. and soon these two were lost in the crowd.
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