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Life Is So Good by George Dawson and Richard Glaubman Essay examples --
Life Is So Good by George Dawson and Richard Glaubman Great Afternoon Ms. McCafferty, I made this arrangement since I energetically accep...
Monday, September 30, 2019
A1 Steak Sauce
A1 Steak Sauce and Marinades| To:| Smith, Chuck | From:| | CC:| | Date:| | Re:| Lawry's Defense| Comments:| Issue Lawry is attempting to release a new steak sauce that should penetrate the market by early April. Obviously a new player in the market is not a major concern to A1/Kraft, having over 50 percent of the market share. The best case scenario for Lawry is that they will only gain ten percent of the market share. The direct threat for A1 lies with Lawry’s marketing tactics. Lawry is attempting to launch a Memorial Day advertisement with Publix, offering a two-for $5 promotion.The issue is that retailers generally support only one brand in a particular category in a given week. In recent years A1 has always locked in that spot. Aside from Lawry’s promotion dates, their promotion price is also a major concern. A1 sells over ten percent of their yearly volume each promotion during the summer holiday promotion weeks of Memorial Day and the Fourth of July. Generally A1 would run a fifty cent off promotion with the unit sale price lowered to $4. 49. As the category leader in the steak sauce, A1 has been able to continually increase sales revenue by relying on price increases.The price increase is the primary way that A1 is able to increase revenue since volume has been stagnant the past few years. [Appendix A is a SWOT analysis displaying the internal and external factors that contributes to A1’s current dilemma] Evaluating Alternatives A1 Steak Sauce has several alternatives to evaluate. A1 can be proactive or reactive. By taking the proactive approach, A1 can beat Lawry at its own game of strategic pricing. Option 1: A1 can directly price match and copy the promotions of Lawry. A1 Steak Sauce will considerably drop its prices, which will clutch all of Lawry’s forecasted sales.However, it will not only affect Lawry but it will decrease A1’s potential of future revenue too. Option 2: A1 can do a similar price match of a  "two-for†special. Rather than a two-for-$5, A1 could shoot for a more reasonable approach of two-for- $8. Although both scenarios will require the same amount of units sold (sold in pairs) in order to breakeven. [Appendix B shows Pro Forma for Option 1 and Appendix C shows a Pro Forma for Option 2] A1 can also take a reactive approach by increase its advertising while Lawry is running its two-for-$5 promotion.A1 Steak Sauce can pay for more efficient shelf spacing in the retail outlet. This will include end caps, more facings in the stores, larger and increase signage (bigger and better than what they have done in years past). A1 can also use their brand recognition to their advantage by ensuring more restaurants that publically use A1 display their products, rather it’s on the menu or tables. Currently A1 spends roughly 15% of total revenue on advertising. Option 3: A1 could simply increase their percentage of revenue to marketing and adverting from 15% to 20%.This ap proach will decrease A1’s net profit by roughly 7. 5million (with the worst case scenario that A1 will not increase sales at all) but it will allow A1 to increase its brand awareness and make it substantially harder for Lawry to penetrate the market with its new steak sauce. [Appendix D displays A1’s pro forma with the original 15% of revenue funding its marketing while Appendix E displays an increase to 20% of revenue funding marketing initiatives]Recommendation: Based on the financial analysis of each option, Option 2 would be the best approach for A1.Although each scenario is profitable, Option 2 has more incentives than the other options. Option 2 would be a better deal for A1 because it will generate over 17 million dollars more in profit than Option 1. It will take 38k units to breakeven or 19k pairs on sale for two-for-$8. The breakeven amount is not that far off from what A1 is already accustom to meeting. The price cut alone would be also be great incentive fo r the customers because they will save $2 ($1 per unit) rather than the normal fifty cent.That $2 reduction will be very favorable for A1 granted that it’s will go into effect during the holiday season when shoppers are looking for a bargain, especially while the cost of beef is going through inflation. Additionally, the amount of money spent on advertising will not increase compared to Option 3, so A1 can stick to their normal tactics and not have to focus on cutting cost elsewhere to cover the increase in advertising. | APPENDIX Appendix A: SWOT Analysis
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Cost Accounting Is A Process That Aims To Capture A Companys Production Accounting Essay
Cost accounting is a procedure that aims to capture a companys production, to measure the input cost of each production. Cost accounting is frequently used in the company to assist the direction with determination devising. Cost comptrollers are a good as a tool for direction in budgeting and in puting up cost control which improves the net borders of the company in future. Cost comptrollers in traditional fabrication companies would normally do usage of machines that automate certain operations. Production activity is measured in machine hours. Traditional fabrication is besides labour intensive where there are high labor costs and low operating expenses. Traditional fabrication allocates the companies ‘ indirect cost to the points produced in order of their volume, figure of units produced, direct labor hours and machine hours. The usage of machine hours implies that machine hours are cause footing of the mill operating expense, this deduction is done when merely machine hour s are used to apportion the fabricating operating expense to merchandises. Cost comptrollers in traditional fabrication companies use a individual caput pool, this method of apportioning indirect costs normally consequences in the wrong cost of informations. Merchandises with high volumes have high labor costs likewise merchandises with lower volumes would normally be understated and be ignored. Traditional fabrication companies cost comptrollers are needed to assist in the managing of costs which is normally non an easy undertaking to make, but the cost comptrollers have found a manner of pull offing them. Modern fabrication was developed to work out the complexnesss of running a immense concern. Modern fabrication companies make use computing machines and robotics ; they control the whole production/manufacturing procedure. Cost comptrollers would normally necessitate modern fabrication companies because they have an built-in flexibleness to supply particular studies and assist direction with determination doing sing cost activities undertaken. Modern fabrication houses are normally non forced to stay by the fiscal coverage demands. Modern fabrication companies would normally delegate costs to activities and merchandises based on how the costs and resources are consumed by the procedure or merchandise. Cost comptrollers are needed in the modern fabrication companies because it gives them a clearer image of cost of procedure and the profitableness of clients and merchandises. They are besides needed because it would assist them with budgeting techniques for the truth of fiscal prognosi s and besides increasing the comprehension of the directors. Cost comptrollers are needed in the modern fabrication companies because modern fabrication houses use computing machines and robotics this helps in the quick and accurate production of fiscal programs to assist the comptrollers in wise determination devising. Productivity is truly improved in modern fabrication companies because there is a wider set of related component here, which is computing machines and robotics. Absorption costing is no longer for modern auto manufacturer such as BMW discuss. Your reply should include suggestions of other bing methods that are more relevant for a modern auto manufacturer and supply your accounts. Absorption costing is absorbing all the fabrication through units produced. It absorbs all the direct labor, direct stuffs, with all the variable and fixed costs. It is By and large Accepted Accounting Principles which means it is used for external coverage. Absorption costing because it absorbs all the cost is non suited for modern fabrication houses, because with this bing pricing is lesser extent than it appears to be in the instance. Cost is calculated to make up one's mind how much net income you have made, and so the monetary value while be set. Because absorbs all the costs, that establishes the fact that it does non recognize the importance fixed costs. This makes it difficult to distinguish between fixed and variable costs. The variableness of net incomes besides causes confusion because the gross revenues and stock alteration. Absorption bing recognises the importance of fixed costs in production by including them in the production procedure. It is used to fix fiscal histories. When production remains changeless while gross revenues rise and autumn irregularly in figure this method will demo a less fluctuation in net net income. Absorption costing is non suited for the modern auto makers like BMW because it is non so utile to t he direction to do wise determinations, to be after and command that is it does non assist directors to develop the company ‘s mission and aims to be the decisive factor in carry throughing them and non set uping public presentation criterions, mensurating and describing existent public presentation and comparing them to take a disciplinary action as necessary. This truly shows that it is non suited fabricating companies like BMW because they need to utilize the cost information for good determination devising intents and budgeting. But instead modern fabrication houses like BMW need to utilize Activity Based Costing because is the method of bing that assigns costs to their activities based on the resources instead than merchandises or services. Other costs and resources are equally distributed to the merchandises and services they use. This method does non extinguish any costs ; it gives more information and takes into history how costs are consumed. This method is suited for BMW because BMW is involved process betterment and reduction costs. Activity Based Costing assigns all the single activities involved in the fabrication procedure are accurately costed, that is it makes seeable waste and non value added. Therefore doing it easier to place the cost of each procedure. It uses unit cost instead entire cost. It facilitates benchmarking which means there is a standard mention against which things can be compared and assessed. It provides a better apprehension of operating expenses and it is easy understood by everyone because since companies like BMW discloses their fiscal studies to the populace they can understand why things are the manner they are. Activity Based Costing helps with future merchandise planning because for illustration all the activities associated with BMW can be accurately determined before it is launched. This can besides assist to find the monetary value and other outgos. Question 3 Cost?Material X & A ; Y working 1 4,000 Material which can be used in another machine 6,000 Labour – Department A ( working 2 ) -Department B ( working 3 ) 12,800 3,600 Sale of machine 5,000 Alteration work 2,000 Entire 33,400 Entire = ? 33,400 + ?125, 000 = ? 158, 400 Working 1 5000 – 1000 = 4000 Working 2 Department A 200 ten 2 ten 4 ten 8 = ?12,800 Working3 Department B 150 ten 4 ten 6 = ?3,600 Working 4 = ? 33, 400 = 125, 000 = ? 158, 400 ten 10 % = ? 174, 240 The minimal monetary value that should be quoted to the new purchaser is ?174, 240 ( working 4 ) . This is because this monetary value includes all the alteration work costs. MM should accept the offer made by the new purchaser because it more than the sum willing to be paid by the first purchaser. MM should besides disregard the ?2000 sedimentation made by the original purchaser because it is a historical cost that is it is a cost that has already occurred therefore doing it an irrelevant cost. I would besides advice MM to go on with alterations asked for by the new purchaser as would convey him more net income than of the original purchaser. The net incomes made would besides assist him to cover the costs he incurred when doing the alterations. Cost?Material X & A ; Y working 1 4,000 Material which can be used in another machine 6,000 Labour – Department A ( working 2 ) -Department B ( working 3 ) 12,800 1,500 Sale of machine 5,000 Alteration work 2,000 Entire 31, 300 Working 1 5000 – 1000 = 4000 Working 2 Department A Mach Dept B = ?150 x 5 tens 2 = ?1, 500 Working3 Department B 150 ten 4 ten 6 = ?3,600
Saturday, September 28, 2019
How do E. Ann Kaplan and Kaja Silverman define historical trauma Essay
How do E. Ann Kaplan and Kaja Silverman define historical trauma - Essay Example In the following, Ann and Silverman employ surrealism and realism to present different social injustices, traumas, and the impact of culture to the immediate society (Kaplan & Ban 56). Historical trauma is a possessive attribute that overcomes different people in large numbers. The fact is that, historical trauma is not a dream or a tale. It rules over emotional, psychological characters of given people in different societies. The way these different people perceive different situations and likeliness of reactions reveal the extent of historical trauma. It results from social injustices, unethical, practices at other attributes that leave permanent scars to the witnesses. In most cases, historical trauma results from genocides and massacres whereby the immediate society witnesses inhuman acts (Kaja 70). Cultural trauma in the book ‘Spellbound’ depicts the psychological distress that an individual undergoes. The haunted individuals seek consultations for salvation from th e ties of dead spirits. In the book of Spellbound, the writer narrates of a doctor and a patient who is seeking consultancy on how to handle a committed murder (Kaplan & Ban 67). Dr Constance Peterson, a psychoanalyst has the duty to help Gregory Peck out of the psychological trauma he faces after accusations recoiling over a murder case in which he is accused of involvement. She further ascertains that Gregory served the army during the Second World War and his trauma results from the turn of events in the battlefield. Drama occurs when Dr Constance slowly falls in love with the man who faces murder accusations (Kaja 78). Guilt conscience befalls the doctor; she cannot contemplate the turn of events leading to the love indulgence with a patient rather keeping it professional. Further, the problem arises that the patient at hand is a person facing murder charges and unacceptable in the society that is trying to heal from unsocial deeds that see many lose their lives to shelling of m ortars and ricocheting of guns, a period after the second world war (Kaja 98). The man reveals his haunted background in phases at a time when he lived with others in the organization, and different behaviors resulting from their different upbringings. At the long run, he reveals of the current situation, but the doctor can relate the past and the present to elaborate on the occurrence of the murder. Dr Constance realizes that she loves the convict but then feels with the society at the mention of murder. This causes her severe trauma, as she is a dilemma on whether to hide the truth or spill it to the society (Kaplan & Ban 78). In the book, ‘Let There Be Light’, the author shows how different characters are involved in imaginary thinking as their spouses and friends talk to them. In the book, men of different classes, professions, and expertise depict feminine character in their societal roles. They are more of subjection to objection as they do not show their masculin e characters or retaliation on whatever grounds arising. This causes imaginary thoughts to readers as they try to understand whether such a trait of men can happen considering it to the world we are living in. Silverman argues out that some the character traits; depict more of
Friday, September 27, 2019
Marshallian Demand and Supply Theory Assignment
Marshallian Demand and Supply Theory - Assignment Example Very much similar to the modern supply and demand functions, it shows the choices of the customer in terms of his demand over a range of prices. Moreover, in the case of supply, it would show the quantity supplied, for a range of prices. Quite understandably, over demand would increase as the prices keep on increasing since these share a negative relation with each other. However, supply, on the other hand, would have a positive relationship with the price; therefore, the supply curve would be an upward or positively sloped curve (Taylor & Weerapana, pp. 126-128, 2007). Moreover, there are two very important assumptions for the Marshallian model as well. Firstly, that the supply and demand, is in no way, interdependent but act freely. Secondly, that supply is limited and finite, and the basic principle of economics must hold true that there are scare resources (Henderson, pp. 124-128, 2009). In addition, this model perfectly solves the utility maximization problem as well. Since consumers get a range of choices, sets of prices and the quantity supplied and demanded on them, they can choose the set, which satisfies them the most (Pindyck & Rubinfeld, pp. 148-149, 2001). Unlike, the Hicksian model, Marshallian model of supply and demand also accommodates the income and substitution effects. In the study of microeconomics, the Hickson model is referred to as the compensated demand function since its idea rests on fixed utility. However, the Marshallian model of supply and demand has received the name of uncompensated demand function, since, as mentione d earlier, that it offers the option of utility maximization (Rittenberg, pp. 469-478, 2008). Quite clearly, the laws of demand and supply are helpful in predicting the direction of changes in price and quantity, whether it would increase or decrease, in response to various shifts in demand and supply.Â
Thursday, September 26, 2019
HS630 Conf Week 3 Question Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
HS630 Conf Week 3 Question - Essay Example In the Dam sector, various systems plus redundancies are in use to prevent risk occurrence; cyber insecurity results to threat of safety (McGrath, 2011). Control systems in Dams are vital systems when they are in improved form. Improved control systems occur in suitable designs and work in a manner that is safe and free from cyber insecurity (Stewart et al., 2011). There exists information sharing criteria in the Dam sector that pertain cyber and physical coercion plus procedures for protection. The Homeland Security Presidential Directive 7 (HSPD-7) has ensured presence of a National infrastructure Plan (NIPP) leading to development plus improvement of backup systems (McGrath, 2011). The Federal Emergency Management Agency ensures the existence of web associated training courses. These entail various issues of safety concerning Dams. It is difficult to maintain strong partnerships between the private and the public bodies that ensure proper sharing of authorities plus resources in order to implement strategies (McGrath, 2011). Application of appropriate technology becomes a challenge because various complexities may emerge. Existence of unreliable safeguards results to damages due to flooding and other aspects (McGrath, 2011). A climatic change presents challenges because it results to a variance in the flow of rainfall. This change affects dam structures because parameters used during design will need adjustment to conform to the existing variables (Stewart et al.,
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Final Examination Employment Law Research Paper
Final Examination Employment Law - Research Paper Example In recent times, the business had determined to go â€Å"public†and became qualified for selling stocks and debentures on the S & P exchange. However, with this new move, the company gained the attention of the local labor union representatives, who further decided to interact with the employees of the company. In this regard, they seek permission from Ms. Clark for their interaction with the employees, which they are not required to do so as they possess legal authority for performing the same. Owing to their professional approach, Ms. Clark permits the union representatives to enter the premises of the company for which she had to face criticism and threat of termination from the top level management of the company. This instance was followed by an offer from the management, which depicted a forceful retirement package with the exclusion of several normal retirement benefits. She did not response to the offer of the management, which eventually resulted in her termination. THESIS STATEMENT In context to the aforementioned case, this research paper will identify and explain the law that will be applicable to assist Ms. Clark to deal with the misconduct of the company made towards her. A few of the law that will be considered in this paper will include EIRSA (Title VII), the NLRB and Tort law of the United States among others. Accordingly, a conclusion will be made about the position of Ms. Clark in the entire scenario. DISCUSSION From the above analysis, it is quite apparent that Ms Clark had certain issues with her disability in Danskin Inc. However, the approach of the company made towards her with regard to promotion and decision of contacting the union representatives can be countered as per the EIRSA (Title VII), the NLRB and state Torts law in order to reach an ultimate conclusion on her rights and stands in the entire scenario. The Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) is a federal law of the United States, enacted in the year 1974 wit h the intention of protecting the rights of pension plan standards of the employees in the workplace. Contextually, title VII of the Act deals with the aspect of employee discrimination in the workplace on the basis of sex, race, age and other related factor. However, in the case, Ms Clark was restrained from the post of Senior Vice president in the organization due to the reason that she was legally blind and deemed not fit to face the challenges along with the responsibilities involved in that particular designation. Contextually, it can be stated that the approach of company could not be countered or questioned in this regard as its conduct was not discriminatory as per title VII of the ERISA. However, as per the Age Discrimination Employment Act (ADEA), employers should not discriminate the employees on grounds of their age and deprive them from gaining employment opportunities. Accordingly, the approach of the company in terms of not promoting Ms. Clark also has the association of her age factor as a reason. Furthermore, in this similar regard, Ms. Clark can also counter the approach made by the company towards her on the basis of the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) 1990, which states that employers will have the responsibility to treat all the employees on the basis of their competency and not their disability. In this case, Ms. Clark’s promotion was solely restrained on the basis of her legal blindness (Auburn University, â€Å"
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
The FMC Corporation Green River Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The FMC Corporation Green River - Coursework Example The FMC Corporation Green River specializes in chemicals while one of its sister plant at Aberdeen deals with the manufacture of guided missile canisters for the U.S. Navy. These are two far apart industries. The facility moreover possesses numerous product lines making it able to successfully satisfy its global market share. The fact that the plant's employees are members of the United Steel Workers of America is in itself a tremendous motivation. Moreover, the plant does business under FMC corporate strategies, thereby enjoying considerable flexibility in how it runs its businesses (Carter, 1999).Looking at the sister plant of FMC at Aberdeen, one notices some difference between the two FMC Corporations. The FMC Aberdeen plant is younger and smaller than The FMC Corporation Green River and quite different in that its management is at its bare minimum basically because most of the work is done by self-steered work groups as opposed to the massive, older Green River, Wyoming facility , which is operating in totally a different industry, as earlier established (Carter, 1999).Not withstanding the differences existing between the two plants, the Green River Wyoming facility plant manager is trying to evaluate whether the extraordinary management approach at Aberdeen would suit his facility and be able to emulate a few management approaches (Carter, 1999).... The intention here is to identify the type of organizational design that will best suit the Wyoming facility (Carter, 1999). In analyzing the organizational design of FMC Corporation's Green River, Wyoming facility, it is crucial to match the structure of the organization as closely as possible to the objectives of the organization. The design process attempts to advance and facilitate the efforts of members within the organization. Therefore in connection to FMC Corporation's Green River, Wyoming facility, under the capable leadership of the establishment's site manager, Kenneth Dailey, the organizational plan should be considered as an internal change within the organization and at the same time attempt to encourage all its members to work in unity so as to define the wishes of the organization and then finally come up with structures aimed at accomplishing the said wishes most effectively (Carter, 1999). Considering the purpose of FMC Green River, in Wyoming, which is to mine and manufacture sodium carbonate soda ash, its design should be in conformity to this key function. For this reason, it will be prudent for this facility to maintain its status as the largest sodium carbonate soda ash plant in the world, since it relies on the coal and natural gas abundant in the Wyoming basin (Carter, 1999). Alternatives and Recommendations The alternatives open to FMC Green River, in Wyoming, are basically to patent with other companies in the sodium production process. The company can also utilize some of its existing infrastructure, and obtain a continuous revenue flow from the sale of the sodium. It is also well known that Green River has the world's largest reserves of trona mineral, which is mined and processed onsite. This, in addition to abundant supplies
Monday, September 23, 2019
Pageants for toddlers and young girls do not create a healthy body Essay
Pageants for toddlers and young girls do not create a healthy body image - Essay Example 244). This paper seeks to give a critical analysis of the claim that healthy image issues are not brought about when young girls and toddlers participate in pageants. Critical analysis on the impact of pageants’ on young girls and toddlers in terms of health and body issues created My first supporting statement is: sexualization is experienced by the young girls and toddlers as a result of participating in pageants. This is an example of a fact. I will need to provide the following backing to convince readers that my support is valid: There are many ways through, which sexualization occurs, when the young girls and toddlers participate in pageants. Most times, the contestants become aware of themselves and this is usually in a negative manner. They tend to ‘sexy’ practices and behaviors, which are witnessed in adult contestants. These can be through putting on fake lashes, having on excess make up, as well as putting on high heels, among other things (Neuma rk-Sztainer & Paxton & Hannon & Haines, 2006. 246). The young participants are harmed by the culture that is extremely sex saturated at the various pageants. In turn, they develop negative psychological thoughts and behaviors concerning their body. According to studies done, in the future, such children are prone to have weight issues in the future. Often, they try every means possible to ensure that they have bodies, which resemble that of others participating in other pageants’. They can even go to extreme measures to ensure that they achieve the ideal weight by taking dangerous slimming pills, going on unhealthy diets, among others (Neumark-Sztainer & Paxton & Hannon & Haines, 2006. 249). My second supporting statement is: Self-image issues are raised as a result of the young girls and toddlers participating in pageants. This is an example of an Interview. I will need to provide the following backing to convince readers that my support is valid: I once was lucky to obta in the opportunity to meet a six year old girl, known as Ashley, who regularly participates in beauty pageants. According to her parents, enrolling her into the pageants is a mistake that they regret (Jones, 2011. 1). This is because their daughter has become excessively obsessed with her appearance and in particular her body appearance. It has reached a point whereby, she does not attend school because she sometimes wakes up feeling ‘fat. ‘Ashley frequently watches beauty pageant shows and even at school, she is known for being excessively concerned with her body and self-image. Attempts to take Ashley to a children’s counselor have not yielded any efforts, as she is still obsessed with her body image. Indeed, it is true that pageants are causing young girls and toddlers problems related with their bodies. They seem to grow up knowing that being skinny is the in thing and if one is not, they are considered as being outcasts. My third supporting statement is me ntal and physical health issues. This is an example of a cause/effect prediction. I will need to provide the following backing to convince readers that my support is valid: It is true that people who are obsessed with their weight and self-image have a type of psychological problem. Since the young girls and toddlers are obsessed with appearing a certain way, they will often be
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Reserach Proposal on Leadership Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Reserach on Leadership - Research Proposal Example Transformational leadership is increasingly seen as critical, not only in the competitive landscape of an organization, but also to the leader’s impact on team effectiveness (Grant, 2012; Ozaralli, 2003). Increasingly, leaders are not only faced with the challenge of how to introduce change, but also how to manage change (Watkins, 2004), which seems especially important when the introduction of the new leader is the change. Watkins (2003) notes that on average twelve employees are impacted by a new manager. This finding implies that what the new leader in transition does would affect a wide network of employees and, hence, performance within the organization. Since transformational leadership is deemed as critical for team performance, this research study seeks to examine the relationship between transformational leadership style and team effectiveness for new leaders in transition, with a special focus on professional knowledge-based work teams Problem / Opportunity Statement Most organizations in the current business climate are highly dependent on leaders to lead organizations to success. This dependence is especially so in the current high competitive business environment characterized by high leader turnover, frequent change, and high accountability to stakeholders (Grant, 2012; Hoffman, Bynum, Piccolo, & Sutton, 2011; Stewart, 1992). The problem is that organizations and leaders have failed to execute effective leadership transition action plans, which may lead to negative effects, such as leader stress, decreased productivity, higher turnover, and ineffective team performance (Gilmore, 2003). Understanding the role of transformational leadership in leadership transition and the impact that it has on team effectiveness would be an essential resource in understanding develop effective leadership transition plan. Both Wageman, Hackman, and Lehmen (2005), who proposed a model of team effectiveness in an organizational context, and Manderscheid and Ard ichvili (2008), who proposed a paired model integrating leadership transition theory that proposes effective team relationships are the result of successful leadership transitions, posit that transformational leadership style may be a critical success factor for team effectiveness and the success of new leaders (Appelbaum & Valero, 2007). Watkins (2004) maintained that, to accelerate the transition and build momentum, the new leader must have the ability to engage and influence many individuals throughout the organization â€Å"using vision, expertise and drive†(p. 16). Unlike well seasoned leaders who may have some understanding on what works in teams or how to handle various challenges that arise in newer teams that they are faced with, new leaders lack the experience of having to deal with such challenges. Most only have theoretical knowledge. Past literature have depicted transformational leadership as the most effective in enabling team performance and effectiveness (Wa geman, Hackman, and Lehmen, 2005). Although there is substantive research on leadership style and team effectiveness, there is less on new leader transition (Manderscheid & Ardichvili, 2008). Most of the research have focused on strategies to be employed in transitioning a leader (Manderscheid, 2008), formal interventions that organisations need to undertake in helping
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Monsters We Have Created Essay Example for Free
Monsters We Have Created Essay Fetal tissue implantation/therapy has many uses such as placing fetal brain tissue into a person with Parkinson’s disease, and the fetal tissue will supply chemicals lacking in the diseased brain. These two things are related by abortion. In order to receive fetal tissue a woman must have an abortion or a miscarriage, and if a baby doesn’t have the desired characteristics and traits when prenatal testing is done the parents can choose to have an abortion. Prenatal testing does have its pros and is not completely bad. Prenatal testing can be used to detect diseases or syndromes in your unborn child, can detect stillbirth, they enable medical or surgical treatment before or after birth, and it can determine the sex of your baby which is the most anticipated event while pregnant with the exception of the actual delivery of the baby. There are invasive and non-invasive methods of prenatal testing. Invasive methods include intruding into the mother’s body, or even probing inside the embryo. Some non-invasive methods include various forms of sonography which is the use of acoustic discharge measurements, as well as the serological examination which includes sampling the blood of the mother. Non-invasive prenatal testing are said to have a very low chances of side-effects. In retrospect of non-invasive methods, invasive methods produce actual results while non-invasive give guesses or general diagnoses. Fetal tissue implantation/therapy has its benefits also. Fetal tissue implanting is said to treat diseases such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, and Huntington’s disease. Fetal tissue implantation/therapy has also been reported as partially curing paralysis. Fetal tissue contains high doses of dopamine, and can help produce dopamine in person who doesn’t have the ability to produce dopamine on their own, or they aren’t able to produce enough dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter. It is one of the chemicals that is responsible for transmitting signals in between the nerve cells and the brain. So for someone who doesn’t have that ability fetal tissue implantation could in a sense save their life. Prenatal testing has just as many cons as it has pros. Nothing can ever be 100% good. Incorrect diagnoses are the biggest con. Incorrect diagnoses can lead to a downward spiral of cons like abortions. The pressure to abort is the 2nd biggest con. The reason why is because if a child isn’t â€Å"perfect†some parents, even doctors feel as though it’s best to terminate the pregnancy and try again. The bad thing about that is you never know what you’re going to get. You could continue to have babies with disabilities, and in the end you have literally wasted several lives. When people abort babies because of a possible disability shows a lack of sympathy for the disabled which is in itself a con. Another con that coincides with disabled children is that there aren’t many support groups for parents with disabled children. There is also the pressure of life and death decisions. No parent wishes for a disabled child, and when faced with the fact that they could possibly have one they play the life or death card and are forced to choose which decision to make. There are cons of fetal implantation/therapy also. The major one is that you are â€Å"messing with human life†. Most people believe that when it comes to children or life in general you should take what you get because life is a very precious thing. Some believe that probing around in an embryo and playing something like a guess and check is immoral and shouldn’t be done. Religious people believe that when you use fetal implantation/therapy is in a sense â€Å"playing†with God. They too believe that God has given you what he desired to give you and you should take it and love your child regardless. Cloning humans also falls into a con of fetal testing/implantation/therapy. It is said that scientists are trying to create the â€Å"perfect†human, but there is no such thing, because what’s perfect to one person may not be the same perfect as someone else. So you can never completely achieve a â€Å"perfect†human being. In conclusion, both prenatal testing and fetal implantation/therapy have equally the number of pros and cons. Both have the ability to be beneficial but they can also become monsters if used beyond their means. Nothing can be 100% good or bad. Anything in this world that is created by man has the ability to be a monster. Everything also has the ability to be something good. Whether something is good or bad depends on how humans choose to use them. Works Cited Fetal Tissue Implant.  Infoplease.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Case study and observation research methods
Case study and observation research methods This essay will look at difference between to research methods; Case Study and Observation. Case study is the understanding of the complex issues or can extend experience or add strength to what is already known through previous research. It is an in-depth study of an individual, group, incident or community. Case studies emphasize on the detailed analysis of the event or conditions and their relationship. Sometimes researchers use the case study method for real life situations and use sources of evidence to prove their study. First step to take in case study is to collect all data about the case and should be organised to draw attention to important points in the case. The case studys questions are most likely to be information questions why and How therefore these questions are helpful to focus on the studys goal. In case study researchers gather facts from different sources and conclusions is made of these facts. Here is a case study of the Davids behaviour, David, 13 year old who has been admitted to a detention facility in California. Police reports indicate that he and another boy were arrested for breaking and entering into a private residence. David grew up in an upper middle class section of California. Davids father is a professor at a college, and his mother, is a dentist who works for a health care group. Even as a small child, David seemed unable to restrain himself. He would bound around the house, crashing into walls and objects, frequently breaking items or destroying house plants. David entered puberty at the age of 11, and at that time, his behaviours became more destructive. He frequently got in fights with his classmates, and would verbally assault teachers. His parents suspect that he may have tried smoking cigarettes and may have experimented with sniffing glue. After his arrest for breaking and entering, David began to cry and told his parents that he felt badly for what he had done. He added that he was unable to control himself. In Davids case study which took long time to study Davids behaviour from his childhood to his teenage and in different circumstances Davids behaviour had changed and resources have been used to prove his behaviour such as his parents or police. Another example for case study research; its Freuds little Hans case study, Freud used a case study method to investigate little Hans Phobia however the case study was actually carried out by the boys father who was a friend of Freud. Freud probably only met the boy once. The father reported to Freud via correspondence and Freud gave directions as how to deal with the situation based on his interpretations of his fathers reports. Freud noted that it was the special relationship between Hans and his father that allowed the analysis to progress and for the discussions with the boy to be so detailed and so intimate. The first reports of Hans are when he was 3 years old. When Hans was almost 5, Hans father wrote to Freud explaining his concerns about Hans. He described the main problem as follows: he is afraid of horse will bite him in the street, at age 19 the not so little Hans appeared at Freuds consulting room having read his case history. Freud believed that the findings from the ca se little Hans supported his theories of child development. Observation involves looking and listening to the object very carefully. Researchers in observation study an individual or group in their natural settings without being informed of the observation in advance. Observational data is usually detailed information about the particular person, groups or situations and revealing changes. In a non- participant observation researchers observe behaviour of the subject without interacting with the subject whereas in participant observation the researchers put themselves in the subjects position, so the researchers become part of the world of the subject meanwhile focusing on their study and in direct observation, people know that you are watching them, and there is concern that sometimes individuals change their actions while not showing what you are looking for or what they are really look like. A research which led by Charlton, studied the effect of television on childrens behaviour when it was introduced for the first time to an island of St Helena in mid-1990s, The researchers focused specifically on pro- and anti- social behaviour. Using video recording, they found that, compared with play ground observation on three to eight years olds made four months before television started, five year after its introduction there were 5 out of 64 measures showing a decrease in pro- social behaviour. However for boys, only there were significant increase on two pro-social measures and significant decrease on two anti-social measures. In other words, for boys at least there was almost as much positive as negative effect. The research led by Charlton was a naturalistic observation which is used to collect behavioural data in real life situations. The data gathering device in this research was video recording, which taped the childrens interaction daily. There is another example of Whyte studies about Italian gang for Observation research study, Whyte studied an Italian street gang in Chicago by joining it. It was obvious Whyte was not a normal gang member. His cover was that he was writing a book about the area. He made the famous statement that I began as a non-participating observer. As I became accepted into the community, I found myself becoming almost a non-observing participant' Whyte research study was undisclosed participant observation. Whyte as an observer kept hidden his study about the gang from gang members; Whyte aimed the understanding of the gang by putting himself in their position and observed gang members in their natural setting, as they were busy in their everyday lives. Two ethical issues Consent and Deception, both are very important issues to concentrate on before deciding for a psychological research. Consent should be obtained in an early time of research; this would involves informing the participant about the grounds for the research and their role in the research however there are some cases where this is not required if the research is something in public where they would normally expect to be observed, they would need permission to be observed on the other side in deception, participants should never be deceived about any aspect of the study they are taking part in. Same as consent participants should be provided with sufficient information at the earliest stage. Other ethical issues are, introduction where both sides confidence is needed between the researcher and the participants, and the data protection act protects participants in the research, therefore confidentiality and privacy is important to be agreed on both sides except in situation where the human life is in danger. And participants must be informed of their right to withdraw from the research at any stage of the research. After debriefing, participants have the right to ask for their details in the study to be destroyed in their presence. Participants should not be asked to risk their life in any circumstances during the study. Publication is another important part of the ethical issues, its the responsibility of the researcher to publish is his research, this is because if the research is failed which has costs lot of time and money someone else might have the same idea and might invest lots of time and money, which would be wasted. Its the researcher responsibility to monitor his colleagues in a research to ensure that code is being followed and if the researcher becomes aware of the participants problems in the study, so the researcher should refer them to someone qualified to advise them on the issue if the participants wish to. In Zimbardos Stanford prison experiment, participants were deceived and were physically harmed, they have not been informed properly about all that took place later in the research, therefore deception is not allowed in any circumstances and all that are going to take place in a research should be told to participant in a earlier stage. And the participants consent was not obtained before the research and participants have not been informed of the reason of the study This involves informing the participant of the reasons for the study and what is expected of them. There are few cases where this is not required: if someone is doing something in public where they would normally expect to be observed, they are giving permission to be observed. Bibliography http://www.holah.karoo.net/freud.htm
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